Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Scott Anderson's article

Some significant facts about Russia terror in September, 1999 were revealed recently in GQ magazine. But one cannot find it in russian version of GQ, moreover one cannot find it in english electronic version on the GQ web-site. The reason is there's something related to Putin, Russian ex-president and present Russian prime-minister. How did they find out about it? Scott Andresen, GQ journalist have met Mikhail Trepashkin, former deputy of Federal Security Bureau (the successor to the KGB) in Russia and have discussed some inconsistencies concerning the bombings. As you can read in Anderson's "Vladimir Putin’s Dark Rise to Power" the acts of terrorism were planned by Russian FSB in order to gain high popularity of Mr. Putin who had charged Chechen terrorists with perpetration of the explosions. Vladimir Putin gave rise to the Second war in Checnya while he confidently was coming into power. There were attempts to expose these terrible actions but they didn't lead to success. Some journalists and former agents of FSB were silenced or killed. Mikhail Trepashkin is one who is still alive and doesn't want to give up.

As regards the article, of course it's available on the web. For example scan of english article and russian translation are available here.

What is most interesting for me is question what resonance will it have for Russia? Most likely it won't have any effect...

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